Centennial Club
The Centennial Club was formed by a former CFRW member at time when as an organization, we needed to enhance our treasury. This both helps CFRW financially and we honor your contribution with a membership pin and with reserved seating at our events.
Centennial Club dues shall be $100, membership on calendar year, running January 1 through December 31.
Dues may be paid in two installments.
Fundraising Projects
The Fundraising Chairman shall be responsible for conducting at least one fundraising event each year involving all clubs affiliated with CFRW. Determination of level of need shall be made by the Executive Committee;
The time and organization of the project shall be at the discretion of the Fundraising Commit-tee;
The Fundraising Committee shall be responsible for any special fundraising projects where CFRW funds are expended on inventories against which CFRW sales are made.
Within sixty days of completion of each project, the Fundraising Committee shall deliver to the CFRW Treasurer a summary report, with supporting invoices, bank statements, and records.